
Women are more prone to develop rheumatoid arthritis, with peak incidence occurring around menopause. Estrogen has major effects on the immune system and is protective against arthritis. We have previously shown that treatment with estrogen inhibits inflammation and joint destruction in murine models of arthritis, although the mechanisms involved remain unclear. Fibroblastic reticular cells (FRCs) are specialized stromal cells that generate the three-dimensional structure of lymph nodes (LNs). FRCs are vital for coordinating immune responses from within LNs and are characterized by the expression of the chemokine CCL19, which attracts immune cells. The aim of this study was to determine whether the influence of estrogen on innate and adaptive immune cells in arthritis is mediated by estrogen signaling in FRCs. Conditional knockout mice lacking estrogen receptor α (ERα) in CCL19-expressing cells (Ccl19-CreERαfl/fl) were generated and tested. Ccl19-CreERαfl/fl mice and littermate controls were ovariectomized, treated with vehicle or estradiol and subjected to the 28-day-long antigen-induced arthritis model to enable analyses of differentiated T- and B-cell populations and innate cells in LNs by flow cytometry. The results reveal that while the response to estradiol treatment in numbers of FRCs per LN is significantly reduced in mice lacking ERα in FRCs, estrogen does not inhibit joint inflammation or markedly affect immune responses in this arthritis model. Thus, this study validates the Ccl19-CreERαfl/fl strain for studying estrogen signaling in FRCs within inflammatory diseases, although the chosen arthritis model is deemed unsuitable for addressing this question.

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