
The present study aimed to evaluate the role of biofilm morphology, matrix content and surface hydrophobicity in the biofilm-forming capacity of Candida albicans and non-albicans Candida (NAC) spp. Biofilm formation was determined by microtitre plate assay and bright-field and scanning electron microscopy. The matrix carbohydrates, proteins and e-DNA were quantified by phenol-sulfuric acid, bicinchoninic acid and UV spectroscopy, respectively. Specific glycosyl residues were detected by dot blot. The cell-surface hydrophobicity was determined by hydrocarbon adhesion assay. Candida tropicalis was found to exhibit the highest adherence to polystyrene. It formed dense biofilms with extensive pseudohyphae and hyphal elements, high hydrophobicity and the greatest amount of matrix carbohydrates, proteins and e-DNA. C. albicans displayed higher adherence and a complex biofilm morphology with larger aggregates than Candida parapsilosis and Candida krusei, but had lower matrix content and hydrophobicity. Thus, the combinatorial effect of increased filamentation, maximum matrix content and high hydrophobicity contributes to the enhanced biofilm-forming capacity of C. tropicalis.

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