
The physical properties of foliated marls and shales from the Swiss Central Alps were investigated in the laboratory as part of the site characterization of a potential low and intermediate level radioactive waste repository. The rocks were first characterized by density, porosity and water content, then P-wave velocity measurements and uniaxial compression tests were conducted on samples oriented parallel, perpendicular and ∼45° inclined to the foliation. Correlations between P-wave velocities, Young's moduli, and uniaxial strengths and directional dependence of compressibility and permeability (determined at elevated hydrostatic pressures) revealed that two distinct families of microcracks cause the significant anisotropy. The pressure and time dependence of strength was then measured in triaxial compression, creep, and relaxation tests. In triaxial compression at room temperature, confining pressures up to 90 MPa and strain-rates as low as 10−8 s−1 failure occured after small inelastic strains. Failure strength exhibits a strong pressure and a weak strain-rate dependence. The low friction coefficient of clay minerals appears to dominate the bulk frictional properties. Micromechanical modeling of triaxial compression, creep, and relaxation tests suggests that inelastic deformation is accommodated by subcritical crack growth.

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