
Robust beamforming is a challenging task in a number of applications (radar, sonar, wireless communications, etc.) due to strict restrictions on the number of available snapshots, signal mismatches, or calibration errors. We present a new approach to adaptive beamforming that provides increased robustness against the mismatch problem as well as additional control over the sidelobe level. We generalize the conventional linearly constrained minimum variance cost function by including a regularization term that penalizes differences between the actual and the target (ideal) array responses. By using the so-called epsi-insensitive loss function for the penalty term, the final cost function adopts the form of a support vector machine (SVM) for regression. In particular, the resulting cost function is convex with a unique global minimum that has traditionally been found using quadratic programming (QP) techniques. To alleviate the computational cost of conventional QP techniques, we use an iterative reweighted least-squares (IRWLS) procedure, which also converges to the SVM solution. Computer simulations demonstrate an improved performance of the proposed SVM-based beamformer, in comparison with other recently proposed robust beamforming techniques

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