
To identify host responses induced by commensal microbiota in intestine, transcriptomes of four sections of the intestine were compared between germ-free (GF) mice and conventional (CV) controls using RNA-Seq. Cuffdiff revealed that jejunum had the highest number of differentially expressed genes (over 2000) between CV and GF mice, followed by large intestine (LI), duodenum, and ileum. Gene set association analysis identified section-specific alterations in pathways associated with the absence of commensal microbiota. For example, in GF mice, cytochrome P450 (Cyp)-mediated xenobiotic metabolism was preferably down-regulated in duodenum and ileum, whereas intermediary metabolism pathways such as protein digestion and amino acid metabolism were preferably up-regulated in duodenum, jejunum, and LI. In GF mice, carboxypeptidase A1 (Cpa1), which is important for protein digestion, was the top most up-regulated gene within the entire transcriptome in duodenum (53-fold) and LI (142-fold). Conversely, fatty acid binding protein 6 (Fabp6/Ibabp), which is important for bile acid intestinal reabsorption, was the top most down-regulated gene in jejunum (358-fold), and the drug-metabolizing enzyme Cyp1a1 was the top most down-regulated gene in ileum (40-fold). Section-specific host transcriptomic response to the absence of intestinal microbiota was also observed for other important physiological pathways such as cell junction, the absorption of small molecules, bile acid homeostasis, and immune response. In conclusion, the present study has revealed section-specific host gene transcriptional alterations in GF mice, highlighting the importance of intestinal microbiota in facilitating the physiological and drug responses of the host intestine.

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