
The Peusangan watershed is home to hundreds of communities and approximately to fifty individuals of the endemic wildlife Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus). Human-elephants conflict (HEC) is a competition in the intersection of needs that has a negative impact on the community welfare and elephants. Elephants are protected wildlife that must be preserved, while at the same time there are socio-economic interests of the community which must also be guaranteed to be protected from possible damage due to the movement of the elephants. This study aims to determine the risk level by using a descriptive quantitative approach to identify the level of risk in the village area which is directly adjacent to the home range and not directly adjacent to the home range in the Peusangan watershed area. The method used is observation. The research sample was taken by purposive random sampling. Data collecting in the form of questionnaires and interviews. Data on the risk level of human elephants conflict were analyzed using the risk level formula. The hypothesis test of this study was carried out by analyzing the Independent Sample Test. The results of the study indicate that there are differences in the level of risk in areas that are directly and not directly adjacent to the Home Range with tcount value of 3.384 > ttable which is 1.984467. The criteria for the level of risk in areas directly adjacent to the home range have a low risk level and outside the home range have a medium risk with a level of hazard (68%), vulnerability (60%) and capacity (26%). Differences in risk levels refer to the implementation of conflict mitigation strategies, knowledge, attitudes and actions of the community in responding to human elephants conflict.

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