
Within the rotational scheme developed by the Programme to fight the resistance of Simulium damnosum to chemical larvicides, there was an operational gap at discharges between 5 and 70 m 3 s −1 for the treatment of rivers where resistance to organophosphates was present. The use of permethrin and carbosulfan was precluded because of risk of environmental impact and, Bacillus thuringiensis ser. H-14 treatments were not envisageable due to cost and logistics constraints. Among the possible complementary groups of larvicides tested, the pseudo-pyrethroids, held promise, because of a mode of action similar to that of pyrethroids, but along with a usually lower toxicity for fish. Etofenprox, one of the pseudo-pyrethroids tested, shows a global detachment of non-target insects in 24 h close to that of pyraclofos, an organo-phosphorus compound (27 against 23%). In laboratory conditions, six times the operational dose which is 0.03 mg l −1 10 min, is needed to cause 50% mortality of Caridina sp. (a small shrimps species) and 30 times this same dose for 95% mortality. For fish species, a safety margin of 400–800 times the operational dose is observed for Oreochromis niloticus and 200–400 times for Tilapia zillii.

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