
The topography of polysomal ribosomes in mock-infected and in Sindbis virus- and vesicular stomatitis virus-infected BHK cells was investigated using a double, radioactive labelling technique. Ribosomal proteins in intact polysomes were surface labelled by reductive methylation using [ 14C]formaldehyde. Following removal of ribosomal RNA, proteins were denatured in 6 M guanidine and labelled with [ 3H]borohydride. Labelled ribosomal proteins were separated by electrophoresis in two-dimensional gels and the 3 H 14 C ratio for each ribosomal protein was taken as an index of its relative surface exposure in intact ribosomes. Comparison of the ratios for individual ribosomal proteins in Sindbis virus-infected vs. control polysomes indicated that proteins L7, L8, L17, L26 and S19 became more ‘buried’ and others such as L4, L29, L36, S2 and S26 became more ‘exposed’ in infected cells. Most of the topographical alterations occurred in the large ribosomal subunit. In contrast, infection of BHK cells with vesicular stomatitis virus induced little or no topographical alteration.

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