
The rhotic /r/ in American English is a complex sound that is produced differently by different speakers and in different phonetic contexts, but there is currently little knowledge about how children articulate this sound, which is typically acquired late in development. In this study, the Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation (GFTA-3) was administered to typically developing first graders (6 and 7 years old) as part of a 5-year longitudinal study. The GFTA-3 contains words in which /r/ occurs in a variety of syllable positions and phonetic contexts. Using 3D ultrasound imaging and palate impressions, it is possible to view the tongue shape in relation to the speaker’s palate. Since first graders are younger than the age at which /r/ is usually completely acquired, this presents an opportunity to see how /r/ is articulated by children who may not yet have mastered it. Initial results from this study will be presented, with the aim of empirically characterizing tongue shape and motion in /r/ production by f...

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