
Information transfer in medicine is challenged by new electronic communication systems. A reasonable part of the known deficit in the care of patients with chronic rheumatic diseases is due to missing, incomplete or delayed communication. Therefore the "Rheumazentrum Duesseldorf" has developed a concept to improve information transfer between the 21 German multipurpose arthritis centres (,,regionale Rheumazentren" founded by the German Minister of Health in 1992) and associated institutions, clinics and medical societies. Using a dedicated Internet server, which is online since January 1996, communication services such as Electronic-mail (E-mail), file transfer and World Wide Web will serve as a network in German rheumatology (,,RheumaNet''). Many tasks of the rheumatic centres can be adopted, supported or become feasible only when using the RheumaNet. Data, agendas protocols, notifications and papers of consent can be transferred more quickly and at lower cost, attaining a hitherto unknown topicality. New possibilities are provided by interactive online communication. For example, teamwork on a project is possible over any distances without meetings (workgroup computing). In addition, RheumaNet will be able to support basic patient documentation (,,Kerndokumentation") of the German rheumatic centres, which has been conducted by the ,,Deutsches Rheumaforschungszentrum". Moreover, the intended integration of the rheumatic centres as a working group of the German Society of Rheumatology is supported by RheumaNet. Interdisciplinary communication with other clinics and medical societies as well as coordination of rehabilitation and installation of patient information boards will be improved. In future, the new techniques of interactive communication might promote new teaching methods in medical education and training. RheumaNet is a model for quality assurance in rheumatology care. By providing local and worldwide exchange of scientific information, it can be regarded as a novel integration of research and patient care for German rheumatology.

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