
Developed countries have experienced economic restructuring in the past decade which leads to deindustrialization. Many industrial buildings are left vacant or under-utilized owing to global economic shift from developed countries to developing countries of lower wages. The shift of economic activities from manufacturing to financial and business services causes tremendous increase in the value of properties in urban areas. Many artists cannot afford the high land cost and move to some of the industrial buildings which are converted into other uses such as studio. Hong Kong also experienced similar economic restructuring in the past decade. Industrial buildings become vacant or under-utilized. The Hong Kong Government of Special Administrative Region worked out the Revitalizing Industrial Building policy to expedite urban regeneration of industrial areas and optimize land use. Wholesale conversion and redevelopment is regarded as potential means to revitalize industrial buildings. Based on a series of case studies of different revitalizing industrial buildings in Hong Kong, this paper analyzes the potential measures to enhance the revitalizing process. The research identified facilitating measures that can be categorized into three main aspects, which includes rezoning old industrial areas into more diverse uses; government can offer some financial benefits to owners and provide appropriate facilities in neighbourhood.

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