
At a recent time, a number of academics ranging from the ‘practical and theoretical academics,’ ‘political academicians,’ ‘academic politicians’ to ‘academic bureaucrats’ are encouragingly striving for responding to the demands of internationalization of Higher Education because of the pressure of global education interests. With the spirit of ‘education liberation’ relying on the General Agreement of Trade in Services (GATS) as a result of ‘industrial globalization matrix’ which is associated with economic motives initiated by the World Trade Organization (WTO) makes some developed countries enthusiastically promote their higher education institutions to a number of countries. Consequently, the invigoration of Indonesian government to all domestic universities to immediately program their institutions as the agents of economy development. Nonetheless, the implementation and management of Tri Dharma are not only specified on developing the strength of national economy but also on social conscience to make the current creativity and innovation can be more relevant to the need of subsistence resources development based on Indonesian characters and uniqueness driven by the moral sense of humanity, fairness and civilized policies. Therefore, the revitalization process should be accordingly manifested toward the principles of Tri Dharma of the university as mandated by Pancasila, Constitution of 1945, Law, GBHN and all of the derivative regulations, not strictly due to the insistence of global pressures. Thus, human resources must be the main agenda to revitalize among other potentials in generating and optimizing the ethic of scientific works in Tri Dharma activities in fulfilling the current necessitates without harming the interests of Indonesian populace. Finally, when Foreign Higher Education policies (FHE) are commercially inclined to globalize their education system and research which is relatively ‘capitalism’, thus our national higher education should be increasingly characterized by the humanity affectionate which elevates the dignity of Indonesia by providing serious devotions and concerns on social and community service.


  • At a recent time, a number of academics ranging from the ‘practical and theoretical academics,’ ‘political academicians,’ ‘academic politicians’ to ‘academic bureaucrats’ are encouragingly striving for responding to the demands of internationalization of Higher Education because of the pressure of global education interests

  • which is associated with economic motives initiated by the

  • the invigoration of Indonesian government to all domestic universities to immediately program their institutions as the agents of economy development

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Sejumlah akademisi mulai dari ‘akademisi murni,’ ‘akademisi politis,’ ‘politisi akademis’ hingga kalangan ‘birokrat akademis’ sedang berjibaku dalam menyikapi tuntutan internasionalisasi Pendidikan Tinggi yang sedang berkembang saat ini karena tekanan kepentingan dunia pendidikan global. Sehingga muncul himbauan dari pemerintah agar segenap perguruan tinggi dalam negeri segera memprogramkan institusinya menjadi agent of economy development. Dari segudang potensi yang harus dioptimalkan, revitalisasi Sumber Daya Manusia-nya tetap harus menjadi yang utama agar ‘kualitas energi ilmiah’ tiap-tiap civitas akademika mampu mendongkrak etos kerja dalam aktifitas Tri Dharma sehingga bersesuaian dengan tuntutan zaman tanpa menciderai kepentingan rakyat. Regenerasi Tri Dharma bukan hanya berfokus pada penguatan ekonomi semata namun juga ‘nurani kemanusiannya’ agar kreativitas dan inovasi kekinian menjadi relevan dengan pengelolaan sumber-sumber penghidupan di negeri khatulistiwa yang terdorong oleh kebijakan dan kebijaksanaan yang manusiawi, adil dan beradab. Kata Kunci: Kepentingan Global, Regenerasi, Revitalisasi, dan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi

Kemenristekdikti yang dapat dipaparkan kepada Panja Evaluasi Pendidikan Tinggi
Indeks Pendidikan Tinggi Indeks Reformasi Birokrasi
Jumlah revitalisasi Sarpras PTN
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