
Topotype specimens of the Middle OrdovicianHyolithes acutus Eichwald, 1840, which is the type of the genus that lent its name to a family, order, class, and even phylum according to some, andH. latus Eichwald, 1860 allow that genus and those species to be firmly established on a sound, morphologic basis. In addition, preservation of the types ofHyolithes striatus Eichwald, 1860 is sufficiently good to warrant reassignment toDorsolinevitus Syssoiev, 1958. In contrast, the type ofH. insularis Eichwald, 1860 is incompletely preserved, and this species is not recognizable beyond the type material. The concept of the family Hyolithidae is revised to more closely conform to the morphology ofHyolithes, with authorship herein ascribed toSyssoiev (1958) rather than toNicholson (1872). The stratigraphic distribution of these taxa suggests thatHyolithes as defined herein first appears in the Middle Ordovician, but extends into at least the Lower Devonian, as suggested by two species from the Barrandian region of the Czech Republic. Their geographic distribution further re-enforces the notion of two distinct paleobiogeographic provinces based on hyoliths, a Mediterranean province and Baltic province, with almost no mixing of hyolith faunas during the Ordovician.

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