
Book reviewed in this article: The Prosperity of Australia. By P. C. Benham. A Study in Public Finance. By A. C. Pigou. International Trade. By F. “W. Taussig. Official Papers by Alfred Marshall. Edited by J. M. Keynes. The Economics of Instalment Selling: A Study in Consumers' Credit. By Edwon R. A. Seligman. Studies in Economic History: The Collected Papers of George Ununin. Edited by R. H. Tawney. Business Cycles: The Problem and Its Setting. By Wesley C. Mitchell. The Minimum Wage. By J. H. Richardson. Minimum Wage Fixing Machinery. I.L.O. Governmental Methods of Adjusting Labour Disputes (North America and Australasia). By Ting Tsz Ko. The First Tear of the Gold Standard, by T. E. Gregory The Gold Standard in Theory and Practice, by R. G. Hawtrey.Edminister, L. R., The Cattle Industry and the Tariff. Ores and Industry in the Far East. By H. Foster Bain Erde Und Wirtschaft. Edited by Professor G. Braun. National Insurance. Reports of Royal Commission. Hospital Administration and Finance. Report of Malcolm T. MacEachern Australian Port Administration. Vol. 1 of Eeport of Sir George Buchanan on Transport in AustraliaReport on the Financial Effect of Federation on South Australia.First Progress Report of the Special Committee on State Finance.Report on the Financial Position of the Government of South Australia. The University of Adelaide. Outlines of Accounting. Volume II. By William S. Kreba. Industrial and Railway Amalgamations. By Sir Josiah Stamp.

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