
Book reviewed in this article:Romantic, Rebels and Reactionaries: English Literature and its Background: 1760‐ 1830. By Marilya ButlerWilliam Blake. His Art and Times. By David BindmanThe letter and Prose Writings of William Cowper. Edited By James King and Charles Ryskamp.Presences of Nature. British Landscape 1780–1830. By Louis Hawes.Cowper's Poetry: A Critical Study and Reassessment. By Vincent Newey.The Religious Life of Samuel Johnson. By Charles E. Pierce Jr.The Letters and Papers of Sir John Hill. By G. S. Rousseau.Revolutionary Writers: Literature and Authority in the New Republic, 1725–1810. By Emory Elliott.The Rapes of Lucretia: A Myth and its Transformations. By Ian Donaldson.Swift at Moor Park: Problems in Biography and Criticism. By A. C. Elias.Jonathan Swift: The Brave Desponder. By Patrick Reilly.Alexander Pope and the Traditions of Formal Verse Satire. By Howard D. Weinbrot.Diderot: Le Neveu de Rameau. By Jacques ChouilletVictims, Authority and Terror: The Parallel Deaths of d'Orlkans, Custine, Bailly and Malesherbes. By George Armstrong Kelly.The Eighteenth Century Renaissance. By Prys Morgan.God's Playground. A History of Poland. By Norman Davies.Prodigals and Pilgrims: The American revolution against patriachal authority, 2750–2800. by Jay Fliegelman.Der Aufstieg des Hauses Kaunitz. By Grete Klingenstein.The Glorious Cause: the American Revolution 1763–1789. By Robert Middlekauff.Austria's Eastern Question 1700–1789. By Karl A. Roider, Jr.The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke, edited by P. Langford.The Friends of Peace. Anti‐War Liberalism in England, 1793–1815. By J. E. Cookson.Interpreting the French Revolution. By Franqois Furet.Challoner and his Church. A catholic Bishop in Georgian England. By Eamon Duffy.The Political Works of Thomas Spence. Edited by H. T. Dickinson.The People's Clearance: Highland Emigration to the British North America 1770–1815. By J. W. Bumsted.The Devonshire Diary. William Cavendish Fourth Duke of Devonshire, Memoranda on State of Affairs, 1759–1762. Edited with an introduction by Peter Brown and Karl Schweizer.Clermont‐de‐Lodsve, 1633‐1 789: Fluctuations in the Prosperity of a Languedocian Cloth‐Making Town. By J. K. J. Thomson.Judicial Reform in France before the Revolution of 1789. By John Carey.Armies and Warfare in Europe, 1648–1789. By John Childs.Diary of John Quincy Adums November 1779 ‐ December 1788. By David Grayson Allen, Robert J. TaylorJacobite Estates of the Forty‐Five. By Annette M. Smith.L'Ecole des meres, comedie (1744). By P. C. Nivelle de La Chaussee. Edited by Isabelle Bernard.The Irresistible Diderot. Edited (with translations) by John Hope Mason.Pediatrie des Lumih‐es. By Daniel Teysseire.Voltuire: A Biography. By Haydn Mason.Marivaux: Le Jeu de l'amour et du hasard and Les Fausses Confidences. By G. E. Rodmell.Voltaire: Dictionnuire philosophique. By Christopher Todd.Diderot: La Religieuse. By Vivienne Mylne.Jean‐Jacques. The Early Life and Work of Jean‐Jacques Rousseau 1712–1754. By Maurice Cranston.Order and Chance: The Pattern of Diderot's Thought. By Geoffrey Bremner.Lord Bolingbroke: Contributions to the Craftsman. By Simon Varey.Schiller and the Historical Character. By Lesley Sharpe.Gesamtverzeichnis der Lessing‐Handschriften. Edited by Wolfgang Milde.Gotthold Ephraim Lessing: Hamburgische Dramaturgie. Herausgegeben & kommentiert von Klaus L. Berghahn.Gotthold Ephraim Lessing: Die Juden. Mit Dokumenten zur Entstehung und Wirkung herausgegeben von Wilhelrn Grosse.Hume's moral theory. By J. L. Mackie.Sister Peg: A Pamphlet Hitherto Unknown by David Hume. By David R. RaynorThe Private Case: an Annotated Bibliography of the Private Case Erotica Collection in the British (Museum) Library. Compiled by Patrick J. Kearney.Sexuality in Eighteenth‐Century Britain. By Paul‐Gabriel Boucé.Music and Aesthetics in the Eighteenth and Early‐Nineteenth Centuries. Edited and translated by Peter Le Huray and James Day.Changing Aesthetic Views of Instrumental Music in Eighteenth‐Century Germany. By Bellamy Hamilton Hosler.Music in Eighteenth‐Century England. Essays in memory of Charles Cudworth. Edited by Christopher Hogwood and Richard Luckett.

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