
Sentiment Analysis has become a significant research matter for its probable in tapping into the vast amount of opinions generated by the people. Sentiment analysis deals with the computational conduct of opinion, sentiment within the text. People sometimes uses sarcastic text to express their opinion within the text. Sarcasm is a type of communication act in which the people write the contradictory of what they mean in reality. The intrinsically vague nature of sarcasm sometimes makes it hard to understand. Recognizing sarcasm can promote many sentiment analysis applications. Automatic detecting sarcasm is an approach for predicting sarcasm in text. In this paper we have tried to talk of the past work that has been done for detecting sarcasm in the text. This paper talk of approaches, features, datasets, and issues associated with sarcasm detection. Performance values associated with the past work also has been discussed. Various tables that present different dimension of past work like dataset used, features, approaches, performance values has also been discussed.

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