
As climate change alters flood risk, there is a need to project changes in flooding for water resource management, infrastructure design and planning. The use of observed temperature relationships for informing changes in hydrologic extremes takes many forms, from simple proportional change approaches to conditioning stochastic rainfall generation on observed temperatures. Although generally focused on understanding changes to precipitation, there is an implied transfer of information gained from precipitation-temperature sensitivities to flooding as extreme precipitation is often responsible for flooding. While reviews of precipitation-temperature sensitivities and the non-stationarity of flooding exist, little attention has been given to the intersection of these two topics. Models which use temperature as a covariate to assess the non-stationarity of extreme precipitation outperform both stationary models and those using a temporal trend as a covariate. But care must be taken when projecting changes in flooding on the basis on precipitation-temperature sensitivities, as antecedent conditions modify the runoff response. Although good agreement is found between peak flow-temperature sensitivities and historical trends across Australia, there remains little evaluation of flood projections using temperature sensitivities globally. Significant work needs to be done before the use of temperature as a covariate for flood projection can be adopted with confidence. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'Intensification of short-duration rainfall extremes and implications for flash flood risks'.

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