
u c e i n i r b t b reatment of urethral strictures can be challenging, but, with a thorough preoperative evaluaion, appropriate surgical planning, and adherence to asic surgical principles, excellent results can be chieved. Minimally invasive treatment options, inluding direct vision internal urethrotomy (DVIU), rethral dilation, and urethral stents, can be used in elected patients, but are associated with high failure ates.1,2 DVIU and dilation are best used as the initial reatment for short (less than 1 cm) bulbar stricures.1,2 Open surgical repair should be the first hoice with longer strictures or strictures that have ailed more conservative treatment. Dozens of procedures have been described in ublished studies for the repair of urethral stricures, but seldom has a unified approach to all ypes of stricture appeared in publication. This reiew is meant to provide a concise overview to all ypes of urethral stricture, both primary and recurent. It is meant as a guide of how one referral enter manages the diversity of urethral stricture ases, and although it reflects our experience, we ecognize that other specialty centers might aproach similar problems in their own unique way.

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