
Passive trailer systems provide a variety of advantages in delivery and transportation applications. The transportation capacity of the truck with multiple trailers can be increased in proportion to the number of trailers. The cost of the car with trailers is much lower than the cost of multiple cars. However, the major drawback of the trailer system is that the control problem is difficult. We concentrate on the motion control problem of “pushing” trailers because pushing is much more difficult than “pulling”. In this paper, it is shown how the car with passive trailers can be easily controlled by the use of the proposed driver assist system and the motion control scheme. Since the keypad is the only additional device for the driver assist system, the proposed scheme can be implemented with the conventional trucks without many hardware modifications. The manual control strategy of pushing is established. The kinematic design of the passive trailer is adopted from the prior work (Park and Chung, 2004). The kinematic configuration design of the car with trailers is proposed for pushing control. The usefulness of the proposed scheme is experimentally verified with the small scale car with trailer system for the car parking problem. The parking control requires forward and reverse motion in narrow environment. It is shown that even beginners can easily control the pushing motion with the proposed scheme.


  • ObjectivesThe objective of this study is to provide a practical solution to the pushing motion control problem when a driver manually controls the vehicle which is connected with multiple passive trailers

  • Passive trailers increase transportation capacity of a vehicle

  • The major drawback of the trailer system is the difficulty of motion control

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The objective of this study is to provide a practical solution to the pushing motion control problem when a driver manually controls the vehicle which is connected with multiple passive trailers

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