
<p>Multiple Secret Image Sharing scheme is a protected approach to transmit more than one secret image over a communication channel. Conventionally, only single secret image is shared over a channel at a time. But as technology grew up, there is a need to share more than one secret image. A fast (r, n) multiple secret image sharing scheme based on discrete haar wavelet transform has been proposed to encrypt m secret images into n noisy images that are stored over different servers. To recover m secret images r noise images are required. Haar Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is employed as reduction process of each secret image to its quarter size (i.e., LL subband). The LL subbands for all secrets have been combined in one secret that will be split later into r subblocks randomly using proposed high pseudo random generator. Finally, a developed (r, n) threshold multiple image secret sharing based one linear system has been used to generate unrelated shares. The experimental results showed that the generated shares are more secure and unrelated. The size reductions of generated shares were 1:4r of the size of each of original image. Also, the randomness test shows a good degree of randomness and security.</p>

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