
Asgary S, Eghbal MJ (2010). A Clinical Trial of Pulpotomy vs. Root Canal Therapy of Mature Molars. J Dent Res 89:1080-1085. (Original DOI: 10.1177/0022034510374057) The JDR Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Team have determined the article “A Clinical Trial of Pulpotomy vs. Root Canal Therapy of Mature Molars” by S. Asgary and M.J. Eghbal, published in the Journal of Dental Research (2010, 89:1080-1085) includes substantially similar content as an article titled “The effect of pulpotomy using a Calcium-Enriched Mixture cement versus one-visit root canal therapy on postoperative pain relief in irreversible pulpitis: a randomized clinical trial” by the same authors published in Odontology (2010, 98:126-133). The JDR Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Team have concluded that the two papers were submitted simultaneously to both journals resulting in a redundant publication. The publisher and editor have retracted the article (DOI: 10.1177/0022034510374057) from the issue. William V. Giannobile Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Dental Research

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