
Retractions of the tympanic membrane constitute a large proportion of ear diseases causing concern to the otologist. The clinical features in a case of retraction pocket are varied and cholesteatoma. Also, that a retraction pocket in the posterosuperior region and pars ftaccida is a precursor of cholesteatoma is now well recognized. We have studied 60 cases of retraction pockets during a period of 5 years and have attempted to find out the etiology as well as the most effective treatment in such cases. Though over the years along with a dysfunctional eustachian tube, a sclerotic mastoid has been implicated as one of the causes of Retraction Pockets, we in our study have seen a large sized mastoid antrum (beyond 2 mm vf Lateral Semicircular Canal) as a consistent feature in most of our cases. This was subjectively assessed as a surgical finding in tympanomastoidectomy and objectively assessed by a high Resolution Computed Tomography of the temporal bone. We have found that a canal wall down mastoidectomy was the most effective in preventing the recurrence of retraction pockets. In a coutry like India, canal wall down mastoidectomy offers an acceptable solution to the problem of retraction pocket as not only is the follow up of patients poor but also the "Second- Look" procedure is not always possible. The use of 1- 0 chromic catgut in the middle ear instead of the more conventionally used silastic in preventing recurrent retractions can be considered as an effective single-staged procedure.

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