
According to the ICPP report, by the end of this century, global temperature will rise, leading to sea level rise and frequent extreme weather conditions, and ecosystem services and biodiversity decline, threatening global food supply and human safety and health. Soil organic carbon is the largest carbon pool in terrestrial ecosystems and plays an important role in global greenhouse gas balance. Enzymatic reaction is the rate-limiting step of SOC degradation. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the heating characteristics and the binding characteristics of SOC and soil enzymes. This relationship is very important for soil carbon sequestration and emission reduction. On this basis, combined with the adaptive weighted data fusion technology, this paper uses the clustering algorithm to optimize the dual sensor cluster to study the active components of mountain soil. With the development and popularization of the Internet, the Internet has become an important part of students’ study and life. A network learning platform can make smartphones become an important learning tool, so that students can learn new methods and teachers can provide new ideas and models of English teaching, and combine information technology to improve the efficiency of English teaching, thus greatly improving the students’ interest in learning. In this context, the traditional teaching evaluation method should be changed, and students should be regarded as the core part of classroom evaluation, so that teachers can have a more complete understanding of students, pay attention to students’ personal needs, and achieve the goal of obtaining high-quality education. Therefore, this paper analyzes how to effectively evaluate English teaching according to informatization, and puts forward several effective strategies.

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