
Reticulocyte quantification in peripheral blood samples is a commonly used diagnostic indicator of erythropoietic activity. A methodology based on flow cytometry additionally separates reticulocytes into 3 groups by fluorescence staining of the residual RNA. This identifies cells as 'high (HFR), medium (MFR) and low (LFR) fluorescence intensity' reticulocytes. In part II of the study we looked for the clinical applicability in paediatrics. Selected groups of patients with ineffective erythropoiesis, i.e. suffering from renal failure, oncologic patients with suppressed bone marrow activity caused by chemotherapy and anaemic new-born infants have been observed longitudinally for their reticulocyte maturity profiles. Data were compared to the commonly used parameters RBC, Hb and Hct. In all cases in which effective erythropoiesis returned documented by a normalization of standard blood parameters, HFR cells reacted significantly earlier than the traditional markers. These preliminary observations suggest the reticulocyte maturity pattern analysis can be used as an additional aid in diagnosis and as a helpful parameter for the monitoring of any anaemic situation.

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