
Trauma is considered as the sixth leading cause of death worldwide, resulting in 10%of all deaths or five million died annually. It is the fifth leading cause of significantdisability. About half of trauma deaths are in people aged between 15 and 45 years and is theleading cause of death in this age group. Mechanism o traumacanbeclassifiedasmechanical,physicalandchemicalaccordingtothesourceofenergy. Traumainducedhemorrhageaccountsforthelargestproportionofmortalitywithinthefirsthouroftrauma,Moreover,hemorrhageinducedhypotension in trauma patients is predictive of greater than 50% mortality.Assessmentand resuscitation of Polytrauma patient begins before the event by prophylactic measurements,at the site of event, during transport (pre hospital phase 50% immediate deathofpatients)and in emergency room. Trauma care in the 1970s is the start of Advanced Trauma Life Support(ATLS) course, and thegoldenhoursoftrauma care has been based on an organized approachthat aims to manage life threatening injuries. This ABCDE and trauma team approach can beapplied to all critically injured patients and the goal of resuscitation is to restore organperfusion. Resuscitation of Polytrauma patients should depend mainly on ATLS guidelinesand Prophylactic measures should be respected to avoid the event e.g. wearing seat belt,helmet and controlling the speed of vehicles etc. The Role of ER team include TMT (Triagefor Polytrauma, Management means life saving interventions, ABCDE approach, Transfer for definitive care)

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