
The purpose of this note is to propose recognition of Porites hawaiiensis Vaughan, 1907, (Figure 1A–D) a species currently regarded as a junior synonym of Porites rus (Forskål 1775), as a valid species, based on molecular and morphological characteristics. Vaughan (1907 p. 217, pl 91 figs 2, 2a) described Porites (Synaraea) hawaiiensis from a specimen collected from Kalihi Harbor on the island of O‘ahu, Hawai‘i (Figure 1 C). Porites (Synarea) hawaiiensis was also reported from the Marshall Islands by Wells (1954 p. 455, pl 170 figs 6,7). Porites hawaiiensis was subsequently thought to be a junior synonym of Porites (Synaraea) convexa Verrill, 1864, due to the small calices that are characteristic of the subgenus Synaraea (Maragos 1977). Later both species were made synonyms of P. (Synaraea) rus, Forskål 1775 (Veron & Pichon 1982; Cairns 1991). Vaughan, 1907 described the calices of P. hawaiiensis as “densely spinulose” with “coenchyma” equaling, or exceeding the 0.5 mm diameter of the calices, and a pitted star shaped space between the pali (Figure 1C,D). In the absence of living specimens, the Vaughan, 1907 type specimen was difficult to distinguish from newly settled P. rus colonies, but upon closer examination in the field, Maragos et al. (2004) recognized small coral colonies that appeared to match the description of P. hawaiiensis. This species can readily be distinguished from Porites rus and other Porites by very small colony size (<10cm), mottled yellow and green-brown coloration, encrusting form, and thicket of spiny denticles between distantly spaced corallites (Figure 1A–D). Genetic data from Forsman et al. 2009 confirmed that this small ‘patch coral’ is distinct from P. rus (n = 3 of each species; uncorrected pair-wise distance; mtCOI = 0.5% ± 0.2 SE; mtCR = 0.7%, and nuclear ITS = 14.2 % ± 1.3 SE), and is also distinct from all other Hawaiian congeners. The genetic data further indicated that ‘Synaraea’ was surprisingly closely related to other Poritids and may not warrant sub-genus status (Forsman et al. 2009). Fenner (2005) referred to this same small ‘patch coral’ as Porites cf. bernardi, however; P. bernardi Vaughan, 1907 type specimens were coralliths (Figure 1E) with calices similar in size to those of most other Porites (Figure 1 F). The geographic range of Porites hawaiiensis is unknown, although it is abundant throughout the Northwest and Main Hawaiian Islands, and has been reported at depths from 1 to 55m (30 fathoms) in the Marshall Islands (Wells 1954). This species can be easily overlooked; it tends to grow in cryptic habitats (cracks, crevices, and interstitial spaces), and at first glance, the small patches of colonies (0.5–10cm) can be confused with crustose coralline algae, or new recruits of other Porites species. This species is remarkable because of its small adult colony size; a curious life history characteristic since many Porites in the Pacific can be among the largest and longest-lived scleractinain corals (Brown et al. 2009). We propose that this small ‘patch coral’ is a distinct species, and that P. hawaiiensis is the most appropriate name.

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