
The article presents the results of field research to determine the physical and chemical composition of sediments in the Langar and Kalkama reservoirs in the Kashkadarya region. Data on the volume of floods in Langar, Kyzylsuv, Kalkama, and Dehkanabad flood reservoirs in 2015-2021 were presented, and it was noted that in Langar in 2019, there were 3 times more floods than in 2015. The granulometric content of turbid sediments in the middle part of the Langar flood reservoir is 29.93% from 0.005-0.002 mm, 21.36% from 0.01-0.005, 21.36 from 0.05-0.01 mm, 25.35% from 0.1-0.05, 0.25-0.1 mm to 0.6%, 0.5-0.25 mm to 0.8%, 1.0-0.5 to 0.6%, i.e., the amount of particles smaller than 0.05 mm reaches 98%. This figure is 94-95% in front of the flood reservoir's upper and water discharge part. It is justified that mud from the Langar flood reservoir can be used as a building material in brick factories due to its high viscosity, and mud from the Kalkama flood reservoir can be used in construction as fine sand due to its low viscosity.

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