
We report on results from an ongoing spectral scan of four nearby positions in the Sgr B2 molecular cloud using SEST (Swedish-ESO Submillimeter Telescope). The antenna beam size is approximately 22″ in the frequency range 226-245 GHz presently covered. This high angular resolution allows detailed studies of the physical and chemical conditions in the warm and compact cores discovered (Vogel et al. 1987, Goldsmith et al. 1987) inside the region previously surveyed in the 3 mm band with lower angular resolution (Cummins et al. 1986, Turner 1989, beam sizes of 1.5-2.9′ and 1-2′, respectively). The Sgr B2(OH) position used by these investigators is located about 30″ south of our M position, and hence the cores M and N will contribute to the observed spectral line emissions to a larger or lesser extent.

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