
Summary The Victorian Western (Basalt) Plains grassland is one of Australia's most threatened plant communities. Practitioners using seed for its restoration need to know whether seed can be sown fresh or whether it requires an after‐ripening period. This study assessed the viability and germination of freshly harvested wild seed from 64 grassland species indigenous to the Basalt Plains of western Victoria. The seed was collected as part of a broader experiment that examined the potential of direct‐sown complex seed mixes for the restoration of grassland communities. The germination of fresh seed at 25°C varied widely between species. Comparisons with tetrazolium viability tests for each species indicated varying levels of dormancy within the species pool. Germination separated into three broad responses at day 28. One‐third of the species failed to germinate, one‐third germinated at 1% to 50% and the remaining species germinated between 51% and 100%. Therefore, if the aim of a sowing was the rapid and synchronous establishment of most of the sown species, the use of fresh seed in restoration could be problematic. After 3 months of dry storage, eight species were re‐tested for germination. Each of the selected species had shown high viability but low initial germination. Only two species significantly increased their total germination at 25°C. The annual species, Triptilodiscus pygmaeus, increased its total germination from 6% as fresh seed to 99% after dry storage. Testing the viability and germination capacity of freshly harvested seed from a large and diverse sample of native grassland species demonstrated that many of the species were unlikely to germinate rapidly or synchronously when sown in complex seed mixes soon after harvest. This finding has implications for the scheduling and management of restoration projects that rely on the use of such seed.

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