
The Chilean Patagonian forest is one of the most important productivity biomes in the world and is part of the largest area of intact temperate forests in the southern hemisphere. In Western Patagonia, in the Aysén Region, the natural regeneration of the 4 million ha of forest burned has been poor or null, with soils exposed to intensive hydric and eolic erosion processes, in addition to the invasion of exotic species and overgrazing. These factors of deforestation and degradation of natural vegetation represent a serious and permanent threat with unknown consequences on the landscape capacity to provide ecosystem services. To mitigate or reverse these processes, ecosystem restoration is now recognized as a global priority. Ecosystem services (ES) are increasingly used as a tool to approach these challenges by integrating both ecological and social values in ecological restoration at large scales. Given economic resources to undertake ecological restoration at large scales are often scarce, a tool to effectively prioritize sites for restoration and enhance multiple ES supply and human well-being is critical. In this chapter we address a conceptual model of prioritization of restoration areas for the provision of ES and an approach to their quantification in Patagonia-Aysén. We address a conceptual prioritization model of restoration areas and an approach for quantification of ES provision. We propose to integrate socio-ecological variables, considering the social feasibility of restoration activities, improving human health and well-being, as well as biodiversity and nature conservation values. This method is based on the following sequential steps: (i) defining target areas for restoration and socio-ecological criteria; (ii) assessing the ecological suitability and the social feasibility of restoration; and (iii) combining suitability and feasibility maps to identify priority areas for forest restoration. After defining priority areas for forest restoration and implement restoration actions, the next challenge corresponds to determine their effects on ES. Through measuring and monitoring, ES will be possible to lead to better planning decisions to support both biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service delivery, among others. This method can support policy guidance and promote initiatives to reverse or mitigate the degradation processes that affect forest ecosystems and the associated environments, in general, and Patagonia, in particular.

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