
Aldosterone responsiveness to angiotensin II (A II) was evaluated in 65 diabetic patients with and without various diabetic complications versus 38 age-matched non-diabetic subjects. Plasma aldosterone (PA), together with plasma renin activity (PRA), was low and responded poorly to furosemide (80 mg, orally) plus upright posture (4 hours) stimulation in diabetic patients. When the PA response to stimulation relative to PRA response was estimated from the ratio of PA increase to PRA increase after stimulation (delta PA/delta PRA), the 38 non-diabetic subjects had ratios more than 3.0. Of the 65 diabetic patients, 48 had normal delta PA/delta PRA ratios (more than 3.0) and 17 had low delta PA/delta PRA ratios (less than 2.9). Graded A II infusions (1, 2, and 4 ng/kg/min each for 30 min) were performed under a low sodium intake (sodium, 120 mEq/day) in 25 of the 65 diabetic patients, whose delta PA/delta PRA ratios were normal in 15 and low in 10, and in 16 non-diabetic subjects. The PA responses to the graded A II infusions in the normal delta PA/delta PRA diabetic patients were similar to those in the non-diabetic subjects. However, the PA responses to the graded A II infusions in the low delta PA/delta PRA diabetic patients were significantly lower. It is concluded that, although the majority of diabetic patients have normal aldosterone responsiveness to A II, some diabetic patients have blunted aldosterone responsiveness to A II probably attributable to the abnormality of the adrenal cortex in addition to the impaired renin secretion.

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