
The community and population responses of small mammals to clearcutting of northern deciduous and boreal coniferous forests were studied in the Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia. Snap-trap sampling of small mammals in mature forests and on clearcuts of varying known ages revealed that clearcutting is followed by increases in small mammal abundance and diversity that persist until succession returns the area to forest. Initial small mammal responses to clearcutting of both forest types included increases in catch/unit effort (number/100 trapnights), density (number/hectare), community diversity (Shannon Index, H, and evenness, H/Hmax), in addition to shifts in the relative abundance of individual species and trophic groups (insectivores, Soricidae; grazers, Microtinae; and granivore-omnivores, Sciuridae, Cricetinae, Zapodidae). The responses of the three trophic groups differed in the two forest zones. Changes in the relative abundance of insectivores were generally smaller than those of grazers and granivore-omnivores. Three rare species were trapped on recent clearcuts; the long-tailed shrew ( Sorex dispar ) occurred only in the coniferous zone, whereas the southern bog lemming ( Synaptomys cooperi ) and the rock vole ( Microtus chrotorrhinus ) occurred in both forest zones. Patterns of change in small mammal abundance and diversity were similar in the deciduous and coniferous zones. However, shifts in small mammal community composition (species and trophic groups) differed in the two forest types and were more pronounced in the deciduous zone.

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