
The design of incompressible diffusers for maximum pressure recovery is used to demonstrate the utility of response surface approximations for design optimization of eow devices. Two examples involving two and eve design variables are treated, with the diffuser wall shapes described by polynomials and B-splines. In both cases monotonicity conditions drastically reduce the design space. In this irregularly shaped space, a pool of designs is selected by a D-optimality criterion and analyzed by a e nite volume computational euid dynamics (CFD) code. Quadratic polynomial response surfaces are then e tted to the pressure recovery coefe cients. To improve the prediction accuracy, uncertain regressor terms and possible outlier design points are excluded based on statistical tests. A standard optimization algorithm is used to e nd the optimal diffuser design from the response surface approximations. The optimum diffusers exhibit minimal e ow separation and yield similar wall shapes for the two parameterizations. A main asset of the response surface optimization approach lies in the smoothing of noisy response functions.Therefore, theissueofnumericalnoiseinCFD results basedon theuseof two different analysis codes is addressed.

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