
An experiment was carried out to access the land configuration and nutrient management on rabi sorghum crop at Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari during 2012–13. The treatment consist of three treatment of each land configuration (Lx: Flat bed, L2: Raised bed and L3: Ridge and furrow) and nutrient management (N1: FYM @ 10 t/ha+ 50% RDF, N2: bio-compost @ 6 t/ha+ 50% RDF and N3: 100% RDF (80-40-00 NPK kg/ha)). The results revealed that different treatments of land configuration gave significant variation in most of the growth as well as yield attributes. Ridge and furrow method (L3) recorded the highest values for plant height, number of internodes per plant, girth of stem, length of ear head, girth of ear head, weight of grain per plant and test weight. Significantly the highest grain yield (34.38 q/ha) and fodder yield (93.03 q/ha) were recorded under ridge and furrow (L3) method of sowing. The maximum net realization of (Rs. 22589.67/ha) with BCR value of (2.77) was achieved in {100% RDF (N3)} treatments where crop was left for seed production after cut. The treatment 100% RDF (N3) recorded significantly higher grain yield (32.25 q/ha) remaining on par with bio-compost @ 6 t/ha+ 50% RDF (N2).

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