
The gas-cooled fast breeder reactor (GCFR) under design by Gulf General Atomic is cooled with helium pressurized to 85 atm and has the reactor core, the steam generators and their associated steam turbine-driven helium circulators, and auxiliary core cooling loops all contained within a massive prestressed concrete reactor vessel (PCRV). The response of the GCFR to coolant depressurization accidents has been investigated and it has been shown that this class of accidents can be safely handled with considerable safety margin. Rapid depressurization is assumed to be caused by a seal failure in a large concrete plug closing one of the large PCRV cavities and the depressurization rate is controlled by a flow restrictor incorporated within the closure plug. Continued core cooling is provided by the main core cooling loops. The plant transient reponse following a depressurization accident has been calculated with a computer code developed at GGA. The results obtained indicate rather mild increases in peak clad temperature for a depressurization accident with the leak area defined by the flow restrictor. Additional cases investigating larger leak areas to explore safety margins indicate that the peak cladding temperature does not increase rapidly with increasing leak area. Secondary containment conditions in a depressurization accident have also been evaluated.

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