
The insect fauna of water-filled tree holes in southern Britain consists primarily of the mosquitoes Aedes geniculatus, Anopheles plumbeus, Culex torrentium, and a benthic detritivorous fauna that includes primarily the scirtid beetle Prionocyphon serricornis and the chironomid midge Metriocnemus martinii. Culex torrentium has been documented only relatively recently in tree holes but all three species of mosquitoes partition the resource in space and time. When mosquito larvae were forced to coexist in natural tree holes at limiting densities and at higher than natural levels of interspecific encounter, there was no evidence that Aedes geniculatus or Anopheles plumbeus affected pupation success, pupal weight, or development time of the other or that either Aedes geniculatus or C. torrentium affected the survivorship, pupation success, pupal weight, and biomass yield of the other. When A. geniculatus at limiting densities were forced in natural tree holes to live without or to coexist with natural or twice natural densities of P. serricornis and M. martinii, the presence, absence, or superabundance of the benthic insects did not affect pupation success or pupal weight of A. geniculatus; development time of A. geniculatus was faster when a superabundance of the benthic fauna was present. Effects of the benthic fauna on A. geniculatus are slight and the only significant interaction is facilitative, not competitive. The pattern of habitat segregation among treehole mosquitoes in southern Britain is characteristic of their respective genera and we propose that this pattern is more likely (but not certain) to have arisen through a process of independent evolution than through competitively driven niche shifts among already coexisting species.

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