
Nanoscale magnets are the building blocks of many existing and emergent spintronic applications. Controlling magnetic damping in nanomagnets holds the key to improving the performance of future technologies. Here, we demonstrate that a ferromagnetic nanoparticle can exhibit spin dynamics qualitatively different from those predicted by the harmonic oscillator model. Nonlinear contributions to the damping can be unusually strong, and the effective damping parameter itself can exhibit resonant dependence on field/frequency. We observe a resonant magnon scattering process that drastically alters the magnetization dynamics of a nanomagnet driven by spin torques. It reverses the effect of the spin torque on magnetic damping and turns an anti-damping torque into a dissipation-enhancing torque. The discovery of this counter-intuitive effect advances our understanding of spin dynamics in nanoscale magnetic systems and has far-reaching implications for spintronic applications.

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