
We here report a case of a 50-year-old man who showed histologically evident resolution of primary amyloidosis by melphalan and prednisolone. The patient was admitted to our hospital for further evaluation of nephrotic syndrome and remarkable hepatomegaly with refractory ascites, on September 11, 1998. Laboratory tests at presentation showed nephrotic syndrome with slight renal impairment and elevation of the enzymes of the biliary system. Monoclonal light chains were not detected in the serum or urine by immunoelectrophoresis. A renal biopsy revealed global deposition of amyloid in all glomeruli, interstitium and blood vessels. Immunofluorescence staining was positive for kappa light chains. Liver biopsy specimens showed extensive deposition of amyloid along sinusoid walls. Bone marrow aspiration contained 7% plasma cells but no clusters or abnormal cells. Based on these findings, systemic AL- (amyloid light chain) amyloidosis was diagnosed, and the treatment with combinations of melphalan and prednisolone was started from October 1998 at intervals of 4-6 weeks. Renal impairment progressed, resulting in the initiation of maintenance hemodialysis in February 1999. Reinfusion of ascitic fluid into the hemodialysis circuit had been performed from March 1999 for refractory ascites, and ascites disappeared in July 1999. Furthermore, urinary output increased after 14 courses of chemotherapy. Renal function gradually ameliorated with a concomitant reduction in the enzymes of biliary system, and finally hemodialysis was discontinued in April 2001. Sixteen courses of chemotherapy were administered by April 2001. Proteinuria was negative in August 2001. A second renal biopsy was performed on November 20, 2001, which showed markedly decreased amyloid deposition and a proliferation of mesangial cells and increase in matrix in various degrees. We report a case of a patient with primary amyloidosis who was successfully treated by melphalan and prednisolone, resulting in marked resolution of renal amyloidosis.

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