
To investigate the effect of MTA root canal fillings on the resistance to vertical root fracture (VRF) over different time intervals. Freshly extracted anterior human teeth with single canals and minimal curvatures were decoronated, instrumented to size 50/.05 ProTaper file, irrigated with 1%NaOCl and randomly allocated to one of three groups (n=36): (i) filled with MTA, (ii) filled with gutta-percha and sealer and (iii) unfilled roots used as a negative control. Each group was subdivided into three subgroups (n=12) according to the storage time of 48h, 1 and 6months at 37°C in synthetic tissue fluid (STF). Following the storage periods, filled roots were mounted in acrylic supports, and the periodontal ligament was simulated using elastomeric impression material. Vertical loading was carried out with a ball-ended steel cylinder fitted on a universal testing machine at 1mm/min crosshead speed. The maximum force at fracture (F-max) and the fracture mode were recorded for each root. Data were statistically analysed using two-way anova and Bonferroni post hoc tests. The mean F-max was significantly higher in the MTA subgroups after 1 and 6months compared with all other subgroups. Two modes of fracture were identified: split and comminuted. The mean F-max values recorded with the latter were significantly higher compared with the former (P<0.001). In all groups, split fracture was the most dominant mode apart from the MTA/1month and MTA/6month groups. MTA increases the resistance to VRF of endodontically treated teeth and influences the mode of fracture after 1 and 6month of storage in STF compared with gutta-percha and sealer.

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