
The objective of this work was to evaluate the resistance of 30 Chilean potato landraces to natural infection by Phytophthora infestans during two growing seasons in Southern Chile. Control cultivars were 'Desiree', which has moderate susceptibility to late blight, and 'Karu', which is characterized by moderate resistance to the disease. The response of the potato landraces to late blight infection was assessed weekly by scoring the percentage of foliage destruction during the growing season. Subsequently, the relative area under the disease progress curve (AUDPCr) was calculated. A wide response variation was observed among the landraces during the occurrence of late blight. The comparative analysis of the AUDPCr showed that three landraces achieved high resistance to the disease (low AUDPCr values). These were UCT-34Cor (0.05), UCT-26Ach (0.06) and UCT-27Mu (0.10). Most of the potato landraces were classified into the range moderately resistant to moderately susceptible. The estimated values of heritabilities of the means were moderate to high for the joint analysis of the two years tested (0.65). The wide range of AUDPCr observed within potato landraces suggests the presence of partial resistance in response to the complex virulence pattern of the P. infestans populations present in Southern Chile.

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