
Objective: Department and sample wise distribution along with drug-resistantpattern and best therapeutic choice of drugs against Coagulase-negative Staphylococcusspecies (CoNS). Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Department of MicrobiologyAIMC Lahore Pakistan. Period: 1st January 2016 to 25th May 2017. Methodology: About4597 samples were collected from various departments and processed for antimicrobialresistant testing. Results: Of 4597 samples, culture positive were 40.4% CoNS were 9.0%and 22.3% of total and total culture positive specimens respectively The highest rate isolationrate of CONS was found in ICU 32.4%, Sample-wise 34.1% in blood samples.0% resistantto Linezolid, Teicoplanin, and Vancomycin, while very high resistant rate against penicillin77.8%, Cotrimoxazole 60%, Methicillin 59.8%,Co-amoxiclav 54%,Clindamycin 48.7%,FusidicAcid 463%, Doxycycline 45.1%, Erythromycin 44.9%, Amikacin 42%, Ciprofloxacin 41.8% andGentamycin 23%. Conclusion: Linezolid, Vancomycin, and Teicoplanin are the best choice ofdrugs while emergence of drug-resistant to other basic drugs is alarming

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