
Trials were carried out in order to investigate ways in which to achieve selectivity in mechanical weed control. The influence of soil type, uprooting angle and development stage on the uprooting force of some annual weeds and carrot was studied. Spergula arvensis L., Urtica urens L., Chenopodium album L. and carrot (Daucus carota L.) were sown in soil bins filled with four different soil types. The plants were uprooted when they had two true leaves. Soil type significantly influenced the uprooting force needed by all four species. The forces required to uproot U. urens and C. album differed significantly between peat and loamy sand. In loamy sand, Capsella bursa‐pastoris (L.) Med., Stellaria media (L.) Vill, Chamomilla suaveolens (L.) Pursh Buch. and Viola arvensis Murr. could all be uprooted by less force than it took to uproot carrot. The uprooting angle (0°, 45° and 90°) had no significant influence on the uprooting force for carrot at the studied developmental stage. C. album, S. arvensis, U. urens, Matricaria inodora, Thlaspi arvense L. and carrot could all be uprooted by less than 1 N when they had two true leaves. Carrots required a greater uprooting force than the weeds at the three early developmental stages studied. This indicates that it should be possible to develop selective mechanical weed control methods.

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