
Picoxystrobin is a systemic fungicide widely used on potato, citrus fruit, and Dendrobium officinale. To provide information for the risk assessment of potato, citrus, and Dendrobium officinale, field experiments combined with QuEChERS and HPLC-MS/MS were performed to detect picoxystrobin. Picoxystrobin had good linearity (R 2 > 0.99), the average recovery rate was 75 − 102%, and the relative standard deviation was 1 − 11%. Picoxystrobin was utilized as the test agent in field experiments, and samples were evaluated and analyzed at various times after the final application utilizing random sampling. The results showed that picoxystrobin residuals in potato and citrus (orange meat) were ˂ 0.01 mg kg−1, whereas those in citrus whole fruit, D. officinale (fresh), and D. officinale (dried) were < 0.05 − 0.084, 0.16 − 3.82, and 0.34 − 9.05 mg kg−1, respectively. Based on these results, both the acute risk quotient (2.77%) and chronic risk quotient (8.7%) were ˂100%, and the dietary risk assessment indicated that the intake of picoxystrobin residues in potato, citrus fruit, and D. officinale did not pose a health risk. This study can guide the reasonable use of picoxystrobin in potato, citrus fruit, and D. officinale.

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