
A field experiment was conducted to study the residual effect of integrated nutrient management in little millet on production potential of succeeding green gram crop under little millet-green gram cropping system. The residual effect of 50% RDN through chemical fertilizer + 50% RDN through vermicompost to Kharif little millet reported the significant effect on growth, yield attributes, seed and stover yields of succeeding green gram followed by 50% RDN through chemical fertilizer + 50% RDN through biocompost. Application of 50% RDN through chemical fertilizer + 50% RDN through vermicompost recorded maximum plant height at 60 DAS (52.08 cm) and at harvest (75.07 cm), maximum number of branches per plant at harvest (5.00), dry matter accumulation per plant (26.56 g), seed index (3.39 g) seed yield (991 kg/ha) and stover yield (2513 kg/ha). Thus, application of 50% RDN through chemical fertilizer + 50% RDN through vermicompost along with a recommended dose of 40 kg P2O5 reported the promising residual effect on growth, yield and yield attributing characters of succeeding green gram in little millet-green gram cropping sequence.

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