
BackgroundAnti-NMDAR encephalitis is an increasingly described clinical entity in children, comprising 40% of all cases. We present a case of super-refractory status epilepticus secondary to anti-NMDAR encephalitis treated with emergent resective surgery. Case studyA 7 years-old boy presented with progressive abnormal irritability. On the day after admission he had multiple seizures, characterized by head and eye version to the right. EEG revealed left parietal-occipital continuous paroxysmal activity. Anti-NMDAR antibodies were positive in CSF and serum. After almost 3 months in the Intensive Care Unit, in barbituric coma, and given the failure of all treatment regimens, a preoperative evaluation was conducted. Ictal SPECT showed significant hiperperfusion and brain FDG-PET a cortical hypometabolism in the left occipital lobe; a left occipital lobectomy was performed. In the next days it was possible to progressively suspend Thiopental. Currently, patient presents right homonymous hemianopsia, eats by his own hand but needs help in almost all other activities. DiscussionStatus epilepticus (SE) in the setting of anti-NMDAR encephalitis is unusual but described. Whilst the role of surgery in the management of refractory focal epilepsy is established, it is seldom used in the treatment of SE. In the patient with refractory SE (RSE), awareness of surgery as a potentially life saving treatment is an important issue. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a partial RSE secondary to anti-NMDAR encephalitis treated with resective surgery and illustrates the need to consider anti-NMDAR encephalitis as a cause of super-refractory SE.

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