
This article summarizes a research program designed to assess operating conditions through capacity estimation at not-conventional roundabouts characterized by a central island with a large diameter and by two (or more) entering and circulating lanes. Although giving priority to vehicles on circulatory roadway is the nominal operating rule, on-field observations highlighted that in some infrastructural schemes of the type considered in this research drivers negotiate the right-of-way according to a consensus pattern that alternates between antagonist traffic flows, similarly to that observed at all-way-stop-controlled intersections. Considering the peculiarity of the way of working at roundabout schemes being examined, as well as difficulties faced in the application of models based on gap-acceptance theory to evaluate performances, an analytical capacity model derived from field observations was proposed for multilane not conventional roundabouts. Drawing inspiration from the iterative procedure proposed for capacity estimates at all-way-stop-controlled intersections, a calculation algorithm organized in 5 subsequent computational steps was developed in order to evaluate capacity at each entering/circulating lane for the type of roundabouts examined in this research. Results compared to those calculated by models for modern roundabouts show the effect on estimates of capacity raised by a more realistic operating pattern and indicate that the capacity model may be able to estimate parameters useful for planning and design purposes.

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