
Exploring the mechanism of user donation and information sharing behaviour in textile crowdfunding under the social network environment provides the theoretical basis for researching the behaviour of users and suggestions for the operation and management of textile crowdfunding platform. Based on the grounded theory, it appeared that there were only a few studies examining the empirical relation between the two constructs, particularly in textile crowdfunding. The study investigated 35 users with semi-structured interviews. Nvivo11 qualitative analysis software was used to encode and analyse the interview data. The attribution theory was used to construct the model of influencing factors of textile crowdfunding user donation and information-sharing behaviour and the theoretical saturation test of the coded result. This study divided the influencing factors of textile crowdfunding user donation and information-sharing behaviour into trait attribution and situation attribution and extracted eight main categories that affect user participation behaviour. Emotional factors, interpersonal relationships, and perceived risks are the key factors affecting participants' donation and information sharing. In addition, the study found that compared with the behaviour of donating for textile crowdfunding projects, the willingness of user information sharing behaviour was low.

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