
Topicality. Arterial hypertension remains one of the most common diseases in Ukraine. Pharmaceutical development provides creating effective, high-quality and safe medicines.Aim. To study the influence of quantitative factors on pharmacotechnological parameters of amlodipine with enalapril tablets.Materials and methods. We selected excipients grouped in 7 factors and studied them at the lower and upper levels. A random balance method used for the plan of the experiment. The obtained tablets have been analyzed according to the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine. Significant factors have been determined by the scatter plots.Results and discussion. The excipients quantity influence on the pharmacotechnological characteristics of the granulate (loss on drying), tablet mass (flowability, angle of repose, bulk density, tapped density) and amlodipine with enalapril tablets (uniformity of mass, hardness, friability and disintegration) studied.Conclusions. It has been selected the number of excipients providing the pharmacotechnological properties of the granulate, tablet mass and amlodipine with enalapril tablets according to current pharmacopoeia requirements.


  • It has been selected the number of excipients providing the pharmacotechnological properties of the granulate, tablet mass and amlodipine with enalapril tablets according to current pharmacopoeia requirements

  • Методом випадкового балансу встановлено вплив кількостей досліджуваних допоміжних речовин на основні фармакотехнологічні характеристики таблеток амлодипіну з еналаприлом

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Встановлено вплив кількостей досліджуваних допоміжних речовин на основні фармакотехнологічні характеристики грануляту (втрата в масі при висушуванні), таблеткової маси (насипна густина, густина після ущільнення, текучість, кут укосу) і таблеток амлодипіну з еналаприлом (зовнішній вигляд, однорідність маси, стійкість до роздавлювання, стираність та розпадання). Tryhubchak Farmak JSC, Ukraine Research of the excipients quantitative characteristics influence on the basic quality indicators of amlodipine with enalapril tablets Aim. To study the influence of quantitative factors on pharmacotechnological parameters of amlodipine with enalapril tablets. The excipients quantity influence on the pharmacotechnological characteristics of the granulate (loss on drying), tablet mass (flowability, angle of repose, bulk density, tapped density) and amlodipine with enalapril tablets (uniformity of mass, hardness, friability and disintegration) studied.

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