
AT a meeting on December 2 at River Court, Hammersmith, London, W.6 of the Research Coordination Group (see NATURE of February 22, p. 311, and May 30, p. 898) a number of problems dealing mainly with (1) rise in the standard of living and (2) security, were suggested for the attention of scientific investigators. Among these were: the standardization and extension of statistical information, both as regards production and consumption; nutritional needs and national fitness; population problems and genetics questions; scientific agriculture, afforestation, land reclamation; regional distribution of industry; hydro-electric power, new industrial developments (light metals, carbide and acetylene, plastics, cellulose, synthetic fats); aircraft and poison gas defence; psychology and war; educational use of cinema; vocational outlet for trained workers; and several others. These are to be grouped around the various sciences to which they are related. The chairman (Sir Richard Gregory) referring to the fact that many of these problems have been discussed at recent meetings of the British Association, suggested that the closest co-operation be maintained with the Association, and it was agreed that, if possible, suggestions be made to recorders of suitable sections for the inclusion of such papers in the programme of the next meeting at Nottingham. Material on the above or other suitable topics should be sent to the Honorary Secretary, Research Co-ordination Committee, Hazlitt House, Southampton Buildings, W.C.2 (Telephone, Holborn 1713).

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