
Based on extensive reading of domestic and international research on green city development, this paper uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to conduct an in-depth study of the interactive and coordinated development of a city PRED and its model from the perspective of systemic analysis based on grey correlation theory, and then evaluate the green city development of a city. Based on PRED system theory, we analyze the deep meaning of green city and clarify the interaction between them and the guiding significance of PRED system theory for green city development. Design a city green city evaluation index system, use gray correlation analysis method, and build a gray correlation evaluation model of green city coordination ability of a city based on PRED system analysis. This paper has researched and thought about the coordinated development of green cities based on the basic data processing. The optimization and re-planning study was carried out on the development strategy of the previous period. The future urban development of Wei has laid some research theoretical foundation.

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